Nature asset based on cubic meters to conserve biodiversity corridors through corporate sponsorship

Green Cubes are cubic meters of rainforest measured by Hexagon and partner technology to be sponsored by committed enterprises needing to live up to stakeholder expectations, meet official regulations, and achieve improved brand perception. The revenue generated by Green Cubes goes back to the local landowners who are incentivised to conserve their existing land. Landowners receive a stable revenue income through Green Cubes sponsorship, preventing them from selling their land for palm oil production, cattle farming or lumbering, which risks deforestation.



Green Cubes Nature asset connecting the biodiversity corridor COBIGA La Gamba

R-evolution is together with the world leading biodiversity science institution at the University of Vienna developing a novel approach to comprehensively measure tropical rainforest, starting with La Gamba in Costa Rica. In an initial effort, R-evolution has mapped 100 square kilometers of rainforest, focusing on 500 hectares that represent 125 million Green Cubes.

In addition, the team has engaged with two masters’ science students writing their thesis on the BLK2GO, as well as mounted camera and audio traps, and taken over 130 separate soil samples for analysis by Soilytix – all in less than a week.

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Partnering with world leading scientists at the University of Vienna

In partnership with La Gamba Tropenstation, an Austrian research station associated with the University of Vienna, R-evolution is supporting the preservation and expansion of the COBIGA corridor in Costa Rica. This corridor serves as a vital link between two essential national parks, home to numerous unique and endangered species.

For the last 30 years, La Gamba Tropenstation has worked to expand the COBIGA corridor in Costa Rica. Through partnership with R-evolution the aim is to rapidly accelerate this expansion. By applying a combination of Hexagon technologies, scientific tools and the “Green Cubes Methodology”, Green Cubes provide a detailed understanding of the volume, complexity and biodiversity indication of the forest.